NCTE Recognized | UGC Recognized 2(f) | JAC Affiliated | SKMU Affiliated | NAAC Accredited (B+)| For Female Students (D.El.Ed.) there will be a Scholarship of Rs. 5000/- in Total Fee. |Advt. No. 03 Dated-31.01.2025 बी०एड० संयुक्त प्रवेश प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा 2025 (B.Ed. Entrance Competitive Examination 2025) के आयोजन से संबंधित आवश्यक सूचना

In memoriam

Shri Shyam Sundar Kejriwal (11 February 1931 - 30 December 2019)....Read more
Shri. S.S. Kejriwal

From the Desk of Chairman

The right institution is what takes you to the path of success. Success is often asubjective term that leads the way ..Read more
Shri K. K. Kejriwal

From the Principal's Desk

With the progress in technology, everything is changing rapidly in the entire world and so has the education system....Read more

From the CEO Desk

The MITT is formed to serve the society for the noble cause of education in 2014. The College is situated in peaceful, environment compatible.......Read more

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